
And what if I say “dick”?

Posted in Funny you dummy by Adrian Pop on October 26, 2008

So, it’s like this… if I would dare to say the word “dick”, your mind probably will tweak towards the dreadfully meaning of it and utter in a mind sort of way: “Ohhh, snap!”. But if I add some letters to it, like.. hmmm… let’s say: ering, forming: dickering = bargaining, the significance-impact would be other than the first.

That’s the case with the following words: “pussy” + cat = pussycat, or… “butt” + ercup = buttercup  and so on, I bet you get my drift.

As you will see in the next video, something much alike will take place 🙂 :

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2 Responses

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  1. ice said, on October 26, 2008 at 8:27 am

    hahaah this was a great video 🙂 i dident expected, i was like wtf? do you right this kind of things on your blog? :)) but the video make sence 😀 nice.

  2. boomsmash said, on October 26, 2008 at 8:57 am

    Nope. I was talking like that to make a point, the video’s point… to bring your brain, after you read, to a degree of acknowledgement where you can understand better the video itself.

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