
Animals got it too!

Posted in Funny you dummy by Adrian Pop on October 30, 2008

When comes to laughter, animals have their own section to brag about, no doubt about it.

So… without further adieu, ladies and gents, here’s Twiggy… the water-skiing squirrel!

Ohhh, yeah… and some hamsters in a speedboat :))

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Do we need one more little superhero?

Posted in Funny you dummy by Adrian Pop on October 28, 2008

Doodlez is the name of the hero, badass is the name of he’s nature, badboys are his meal. :))

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Star Wars Parody

Posted in Funny you dummy by Adrian Pop on October 27, 2008

There are lots and lots of Star Wars fans out there, am I right?

I bet I am.:)

So, did anyone of you wonder what made the interrogation droid so scary?

Maybe a few of you guys…

Lets just find out the answer together, at least the funny one:

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And what if I say “dick”?

Posted in Funny you dummy by Adrian Pop on October 26, 2008

So, it’s like this… if I would dare to say the word “dick”, your mind probably will tweak towards the dreadfully meaning of it and utter in a mind sort of way: “Ohhh, snap!”. But if I add some letters to it, like.. hmmm… let’s say: ering, forming: dickering = bargaining, the significance-impact would be other than the first.

That’s the case with the following words: “pussy” + cat = pussycat, or… “butt” + ercup = buttercup  and so on, I bet you get my drift.

As you will see in the next video, something much alike will take place 🙂 :

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Skateboarding | Beginner tips | Demonstration

Posted in Cool Tips by Adrian Pop on October 25, 2008

In many communities, skateboarding is perceived in a dark light. Probably the hip-hop / punk / funk music, the baggy apparel, the ferocious t-shirts with skulls all over and skating on private properties in early days didn’t do much for a positive image.

But skateboarding is, in fact, a urban activity, a sport, a hobby, even a form of transportation and eventually becomes a lifestyle.

Like in every other sport there are professionals and novices, so for the beginners out there it’s very important that you practice moving for a while on the board, learn how to ride, before you step up to the tricks. And after doing precisely that, check out this video right here for some beginner tips/tricks:

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